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Under Subsection 2, Section 53 of the Planning Act R.S.O, 1990, c.P.13, as amended and other applicable legislation
Information on this form is collected under the authority of the Ontario Planning Act and will be used by the Town of Fort Erie in the processing of this application. The information as well as supporting studies and reports may be used by other departments and agencies for the purpose of assessing the proposal and preparing comments. This information may also be released to the public.
Planning and Development Services
The Corporation of the Town of Fort Erie
1 Municipal Centre Drive
Fort Erie, Ontario L2A 2S6
(Applicants/agents may be a person or firm acting on behalf of the owner and will be required to submit an authorization form)*If subject property is owned by a numbered company, please include the name of all principals as well.
Description of Subject Lands: please indicate all measurements in metric
(As per part No. Shown on Consent Sketch)
Feature or Development Circumstance
Potential Information Needs
Consistant with Provincial Policy Statement
Development must be consistent
Consistent with the Growth Plan
Non-Farm development near designated urban area or rural settlement area
Demonstrate insufficient land supply available for development within the 20 year timeframe.
Class 1 Industry
Assess development for residential and other sensitive land uses within 70 metres
Class 2 Industry
Assess development for residential and other sensitive land uses within 300 metres
Class 3 Industry
Assess development for residential and other sensitive land uses within 1000 metres.
Land Fill Site
Address possible leachate, odor, vermin and other impacts.
Sewage Treatment Plant
Asses the need for a feasivility study for residential and other sensitive land uses.
Waste Stabilization Pond
Assess the need for a feasibility study for residential and other sensitive land uses.
Active Railway Line
Evaluate impacts within 300 metres.
Controlled access highways including designated future routes.
Evaluate impacts within 100 metres.
Agricultural operations
Development to comply with the Minimum Distance Separation Formulae.
Existing Pits and Quarries
Will development hinder continued operation or extraction.
Mineral and petroleum resource areas
Will development hinder access to the resources or the establishment of new resource operations.
Provincially Significant Wetland
No development is permitted.
Locally Significant Wetland or a Provincially Significant Wetland within 120 metres.
An Enviromental Impact Study (EIS) must be prepared to determine impacts and mitagative measures.
Significant portions of habitat of endangered species and threatened species
Development is not permitted.
Significant fish habitat, woodlands, valley land, areas of natural and scientific interest, wildlife habitat
An Environmental Impact Study (EIS) must be prepared to determine impacts and mitagative measures.
Significant archeological resources
Assess development proposed in areas of medium and high potential for significant archeological resources. See Official Plan Schedule D and D1.
Great Lakes System:
A-Within defined portions of the dynamic beach and 1:100 year flood levels along connecting channels
B-On lands subject to flooding erosion
A-Development is not permitted.
B-Development may be permitted; demonstrate that hazards can be safely addressed
Note: it may be determined during the review of the application that additional studies or information will be required as aresult of issues arising during the processing of the application.
The following declaration must be signed by the applicant or agent in the presence of a commissioner for the talking of affidavits
solemnly declare that all the statements contained in this application are true, and I make this solemndeclaration conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as ifmade under oath by virtue of THE CANADA EVIDENCE ACT.
(to be signed by Owner(s))
to review and confrim the information provided on this application.
If subject property is owned by a numbered company, please include the principal owner(s) names as well.
(Must be filled in if applicant and/or Agent is not the registered Owner of the lands)
to make application on my/our behalf to the Town of Fort Erie for a Consent/Severance in accordancewith Under Subsection 2, Section 53 of the Planning Act R.S.O, 1990, c.P.13 as amended.
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